
Showing posts from February, 2021

Genre Research: Promising Young Woman

'Promising Young Woman' is a thriller/ comedy that recently came out. It is a movie about a woman named Cassandra getting  revenge  for her best friend's tragic death. The movie starts with Cassandra, AKA Cassie, l uring  in men to carry  out  her revenge. However, as the movie goes on, there are major plot twists. The audience gets a look into Cassie's personal life, and watches her try to move on from her best friend's death by dating someone. The  audience  loves her love interest, Ryan, and sees things looking up for Cassie. However, this all changes when Ryan is found  out  to be linked to Cassie's best friend's death. This leads Cassie to go after everyone involved. The movie uses  a lot  of key lighting, close ups, and non diegetic sounds. The combination of these elements add to the suspense of the film. I enjoyed the climax of the movie. It was full of action and suspense. The buildup to it was slow and  suspenseful. However, once the plot twists an

Genre Research Blog: Ma

  The popular thriller 'Ma' is a combination of fear and suspense. The two main elements are used to get the audience hooked. The movie is about a woman that invites some teenagers looking for a place to party into her home. The movie starts out as a fun movie about teens. However, things turn bad when the teens break Sue's (the antagonist) rules. The movie isn't just about the teens, it has a back story for Sue that add major plot twists to the movie. Plot twists are commonly used in thrillers. There is a lot of foreshadowing in the movie and back lighting. There are also a lot of close ups and non-diegetic sounds. These are all common elements used in thrillers that were executed in the film 'Ma'. When watching the film 'Ma', I enjoyed the foreshadowing done in the beginning of the movie. When Sue first meets the teens, she almost immediately invited them into her home. The teens say that this is strange but decide to go inside. A little later in the f

Genre Research: I Care A Lot

The film 'I Care A Lot' is a new thriller that was released on Netflix last week. I really enjoyed watching this movie. ''I Care A Lot' is a movie about a woman that takes legal guardianship over senior citizens. She profits off of them by selling their homes and transferring their money into her account. Eventually, the main character, Marla, gets herself into trouble when she chooses the wrong woman to profit over. I Care a Lot' is a great exhibit of the thriller genre. The film has the main element of suspense, as most thrillers do. The film uses a lot of low key lighting and close ups to add an eery and suspenseful feel. There is also a large use of diegetic sound. It adds realism to the film and makes the audience feel like they are part of Marla's life. This makes the movie more suspenseful.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The movie had the commonly used element of the main character's life being in danger. Honestly, t

Genre Decision Blog

 I thought carefully about what genre I would use for my opening film. The idea that I want to execute is the idea of a girl in a coma with family trying to wake her up. I was in between 3 genres. Those genres are drama, thriller, and horror. All three of these genres can portray the sense of urgency that I intend on showing. However, it will be portrayed in different ways based on each genre. The elements of each film would be different. Executing my opening scene through the drama genre would require key lighting. It would also use backlighting. There would be a lot of sad music in the background of the segment. The over the shoulder camera shot and a lot of close ups would be used to establish a lot of emotions. Taking the drama route would be more of an emotional segment than anything else. However, a horror film would use fear as its' main element. There would be some emotion, as there are in all films, but the film would have a common theme of fear. Choosing a film with the t

Genre Research: Horror and Drama

 Lighting in drama films consists mostly of three point lighting and high key lighting. Backlighting is also used. These lighting styles are important in setting the tone for the film. Common camera angles are low angles and high angles. Over the shoulder shots and close ups are also comply used in drama films. Dolly and pan camera movements are used in dramas films to intensify emotion in drama films. Commonly used sounds in dramatic films are diegetic and non-diegetic sound. There is also specific music that is also used in drama genre films. Dialogue is also used to portray high emotion. Common elements of drama films are internal conflict and external conflicts to add dramatic plot.  Movies that fall into the genre of drama often have heavy emotions and tension. ​   When watching dramatic films, I enjoy the emotional aspects. Films in this genre take the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions. Dramatic films make the viewer and characters feel the same emotions. However, I often g

Genre Research: Thriller


My Pitch

  When deciding what I would make for my final task, I had a lot of ideas. I didn't want to create something that only I would want to watch. I wanted to do something that other people would enjoy. I pitched a lot of my ideas to my parents and my friends to see what they would be most interested in. After getting feedback, I had to decide between two ideas. The first idea was a film about a girl that was being haunted. The other idea that I had was a film about a girl in a coma whose family is trying to wake her up. I liked the haunted film because I love movies about paranormal activity. I like the suspense that these films bring. I had ideas in my head of the girls reflection in a mirror looking at her when she looks away. I also thought about shadows passing by and the girl seeing things in the corner of her eye. Though this would be fun to film, it would be very difficult to edit as im working alone. So, I decided to go with the coma idea. This film will still have a thrilling

Starting The Final Task

                  Hello, my name is Danni Hambley. I am a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School. For the final task, I will be working by myself. I understand that by working alone I may come across some obstacles. I will be the actress, director, writer, producer, and every other position needed to make a film. It may be more difficult to film alone than it would be with a partner. Instead of having a camera person to film, I will have to set up my camera and film myself. However, this may work in my favor because I can get the exact shot that I want. Sometimes it may be too difficult to get the shot that I want by myself. In that case, I can ask a family member for help. Working by myself will allow me to have more freedom in my assignment. I don't have anyone to criticize my ideas, although criticism can sometimes be a good thing. I can also be as creative as I want. I have a clear image in my head of what I am going to present. Without a partner, I won't have a difficult ti