Genre Decision Blog

 I thought carefully about what genre I would use for my opening film. The idea that I want to execute is the idea of a girl in a coma with family trying to wake her up. I was in between 3 genres. Those genres are drama, thriller, and horror. All three of these genres can portray the sense of urgency that I intend on showing. However, it will be portrayed in different ways based on each genre. The elements of each film would be different. Executing my opening scene through the drama genre would require key lighting. It would also use backlighting. There would be a lot of sad music in the background of the segment. The over the shoulder camera shot and a lot of close ups would be used to establish a lot of emotions. Taking the drama route would be more of an emotional segment than anything else. However, a horror film would use fear as its' main element. There would be some emotion, as there are in all films, but the film would have a common theme of fear. Choosing a film with the thriller genre would be a combination of fear and a lot of heavy emotions, with the main element of suspense. I decided to film a thriller opening segment. In my opinion, it is the perfect combination of genres. It's not too dramatic. It's also not too scary. The ongoing feeling of suspense in thrillers is the perfect element for my opening segment. 


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