Starting The Final Task


   Hello, my name is Danni Hambley. I am a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School. For the final task, I will be working by myself. I understand that by working alone I may come across some obstacles. I will be the actress, director, writer, producer, and every other position needed to make a film. It may be more difficult to film alone than it would be with a partner. Instead of having a camera person to film, I will have to set up my camera and film myself. However, this may work in my favor because I can get the exact shot that I want. Sometimes it may be too difficult to get the shot that I want by myself. In that case, I can ask a family member for help. Working by myself will allow me to have more freedom in my assignment. I don't have anyone to criticize my ideas, although criticism can sometimes be a good thing. I can also be as creative as I want. I have a clear image in my head of what I am going to present. Without a partner, I won't have a difficult time executing this due to miscommunication. Working with someone else can lead to disagreements. If I had a partner, we may have different visions for the final task. Without a proper compromise (which can be difficult), no work will get done. Working on this task will be a great learning experience. I'm glad that I can showcase my own ideas. 


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