Genre Research: Horror and Drama

 Lighting in drama films consists mostly of three point lighting and high key lighting. Backlighting is also used. These lighting styles are important in setting the tone for the film. Common camera angles are low angles and high angles. Over the shoulder shots and close ups are also comply used in drama films. Dolly and pan camera movements are used in dramas films to intensify emotion in drama films. Commonly used sounds in dramatic films are diegetic and non-diegetic sound. There is also specific music that is also used in drama genre films. Dialogue is also used to portray high emotion. Common elements of drama films are internal conflict and external conflicts to add dramatic plot. Movies that fall into the genre of drama often have heavy emotions and tension. When watching dramatic films, I enjoy the emotional aspects. Films in this genre take the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions. Dramatic films make the viewer and characters feel the same emotions. However, I often get annoyed at the common theme of inner conflicts. I know that watching characters inner battles adds to the depth of the movie, but I wish that characters in drama movies would just say what they're thinking. I guess that wouldn't be very dramatic though. ​

In horror films, uplighting and spotlighting are used to highlight characters and give them a sinister look. Common horror camera angles are hand held shots and dutch angles. Focus pulls and zoom camera movements add to the thrilling feel of horror films. Fear is the main element of horror films. Suspense and mystery are other elements used to foreshadow in horror films. Sound effects increase suspense in horror films. High pitch instrumental sounds build the most suspense and instill fear in viewers of horror films. I enjoy the suspense of horror films and the plot twists. However, I don't enjoy when horror films resort to jump scares.


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