Genre Research Blog: Ma


The popular thriller 'Ma' is a combination of fear and suspense. The two main elements are used to get the audience hooked. The movie is about a woman that invites some teenagers looking for a place to party into her home. The movie starts out as a fun movie about teens. However, things turn bad when the teens break Sue's (the antagonist) rules. The movie isn't just about the teens, it has a back story for Sue that add major plot twists to the movie. Plot twists are commonly used in thrillers. There is a lot of foreshadowing in the movie and back lighting. There are also a lot of close ups and non-diegetic sounds. These are all common elements used in thrillers that were executed in the film 'Ma'.
When watching the film 'Ma', I enjoyed the foreshadowing done in the beginning of the movie. When Sue first meets the teens, she almost immediately invited them into her home. The teens say that this is strange but decide to go inside. A little later in the film, Maggie (the main character) says that she feels weird about Sue. These feelings are brushed off and looked past by her friends. This is foreshadowing to the audience that the movie will soon show that Maggie was right to doubt Sue. I also enjoyed the background story of Sue and why she is so welcoming to the teens. There are also details about Sue that are revealed later on in the film that make the audience fear her. I did not enjoy the ending of the movie. Most thrillers end without a solution for everyone, but I was hoping for Sue to have a better ending. 


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