Genre Research: Promising Young Woman

'Promising Young Woman' is a thriller/ comedy that recently came out. It is a movie about a woman named Cassandra getting revenge for her best friend's tragic death. The movie starts with Cassandra, AKA Cassie, luring in men to carry out her revenge. However, as the movie goes on, there are major plot twists. The audience gets a look into Cassie's personal life, and watches her try to move on from her best friend's death by dating someone. The audience loves her love interest, Ryan, and sees things looking up for Cassie. However, this all changes when Ryan is found out to be linked to Cassie's best friend's death. This leads Cassie to go after everyone involved. The movie uses a lot of key lighting, close ups, and non diegetic sounds. The combination of these elements add to the suspense of the film.

I enjoyed the climax of the movie. It was full of action and suspense. The buildup to it was slow and suspenseful. However, once the plot twists and action started unfolding, they didn't stop. The climax of the movie seemed to go from the middle of the movie all the way through the end. There was a clear 'solution' to the film, but there was so much action that most of the movie seemed to be the climax. I personally enjoyed this about the film because it created a sense of suspense that the audience enjoys. Though I enjoyed the movie, the ending was not what I was hoping for. Though this is to be expected when watching thrillers, I was hoping for a better outcome for Cassie herself. The ending leaves the audience upset and with questions, but also relieved. 



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