My Pitch


When deciding what I would make for my final task, I had a lot of ideas. I didn't want to create something that only I would want to watch. I wanted to do something that other people would enjoy. I pitched a lot of my ideas to my parents and my friends to see what they would be most interested in. After getting feedback, I had to decide between two ideas. The first idea was a film about a girl that was being haunted. The other idea that I had was a film about a girl in a coma whose family is trying to wake her up. I liked the haunted film because I love movies about paranormal activity. I like the suspense that these films bring. I had ideas in my head of the girls reflection in a mirror looking at her when she looks away. I also thought about shadows passing by and the girl seeing things in the corner of her eye. Though this would be fun to film, it would be very difficult to edit as im working alone. So, I decided to go with the coma idea. This film will still have a thrilling feeling of suspense and will be easier to execute by myself. I have an image in my head of a girl constantly hearing "wake up". I also plan on the phrase 'wake up' being written on things all over like cereal boxes and school assignments. I also think it would be cool if the girl was in a car accident that led to her coma. I was recently in a car accident and I think it would be cool to use my own raw footage of the accident. It would add to the suspense of the film. It would also make the film feel more real. 


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